How Tax Help Seekers Can Protect Against Online Tax Frauds

Last updated on March 1, 2022

Tax frauds use technology to steal taxpayers’ identities online. Fake web pages, phishing emails, and malware are just some of the methods they have been known to use to extract sensitive tax filing information. Even though tax fraudsters target every taxpayer, the trap is also laid for those seeking tax help for e-filing and tax debt.

Fake TurboTax websites and emails are an online threat that taxpayers must be aware of. Many times, search engines show these fake sites in search results. For e-filing, taxpayers should remember the address “,” instead of using search engines. Bookmarking authentic site(s) can also protect taxpayers from fraud websites.

Fake emails for phishing using the name TurboTax, the IRS, and reputable banks are common during the tax season. Many of these fake emails contain viruses and malware. Taxpayers should never open attachments or click on any links within these emails, if the emails are unsolicited.

Using anti-virus software can help block virus attacks from tax frauds. Taxpayers should be wary of promises from tax frauds, including large tax refunds of millions and free tax help. Typing in the authentic IRS web address can save taxpayers from most phishing attempts by online tax frauds. Taxpayers looking for tax help online should protect their tax information at all costs.

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